
Johnnie Walker Platinum Label Private Blend 18 Years

Scotch Scotch
Écosse, International

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  • 9595

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LCBO 292805 170,20 $
The Platinum Label (a new “colour” introduced by Johnnie Walker) is a rich blend of single malt and grain whiskies matured for a minimum of 18 years. In the range it falls just behind the iconic Blue Label ($299.95). It instantly grabs your attention as a serious dram with velvet hammer power and complexity. Aromatic with spice, malt and old wood notes, it has brooding elegance along with fruity, cereal and malty flavours punctuated with gentle smoke and peat. Score: 95 (Margaret Swaine, www.WineAlign.com, Dec 2012)
95 pts

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Margaret Swaine
Margaret Swaine

Le label Platinum (une nouvelle "couleur" introduit par Johnnie Walker) est un riche mélange de single malt et...

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